Serve with Your Gifts on a Short Term Mission Trip with Living Hope

You are God's Gift.

It's the happy time of year that we think about gift giving. We plan with joy giving gifts to those we love. God did the same for us and in today's terms, He tells us to 'pay it forward'. God has given each of us gifts, a purpose in this life. Peter tells us in the scriptures that we are empowered by God to serve others. Every one of us has come equipped with gifts and we are to share our gifts to serve, uplift, encourage and minister to one another (1 Peter 4:10).  
We often set ourselves aside, thinking we have no gift to offer. You are God's gift to this world. He's equipped you for anything He calls you to do. You won't go it alone, He's already there - waiting.
Our partner church, Burem Missionary Baptist Church in Rogersville, TN shares their gifts and talents to serve others in their community and anywhere in this world God calls them. They give their hearts, and they walk with purpose, putting one faithful step in front of the other.

Come journey in the Lord with us.  Somewhere - Someone is waiting for you.
Read More Testimonies on Honduras STM Trips

1 Comment

Jean claude NIYOGUSENGA - February 7th, 2023 at 3:33am

GOD bless you in many activities you was worked in different place

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