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Ministry Updates

2024 Winter Newsletter

2024 Summer Newsletter

Walking in the Lord’s Grace | 主恩与共
November 20th, 2024
In just one year, we have witnessed God's mighty works. He extends mercy and grace, keeping steadfast love for thousands. May more brothers and sisters join in this service, so together, we may witness God's glory. ...
Return to Kenya | 重返肯尼亚
November 20th, 2024
It has been two years since I left Kenya. During the days I was away, I often thought of the children at the Mbooni Children's Center and the brothers and sisters at the Yongguang Church. How is Sister Zou, who just believed in the Lord, doing? How is Pastor Huang's recovery? With these thoughts, I took my wife to this land again in mid-September this year....
Ukraine: The Power of Love | 乌克兰:爱的力量
November 20th, 2024
In Ukraine, local co-workers not only regularly visit the families of fallen soldiers to visit their orphans and widows, but also invite them to the church every week to start a women's fellowship. The following are some of the women's thank-you letters to the donors....
Kenya: A Different Life | 肯尼亚:不一样的人生
November 20th, 2024
Words from Angel, a girl with a bright future: “ I study hard at school and believe that a determined person can turn extreme poverty into heroism. Thank you for your sponsorship. Without you, I would not have been able to join Kathonzweni Children's Home.” ...
Honduras Tolupan: My Soul Sings High | 洪都拉斯托鲁盘: 我灵高歌
November 20th, 2024
Every time a short-term mission team visits the Indigenous tribe, we are deeply moved by the worship team formed by missionary Johanna. Before meeting Johanna, many of the children had never been exposed to any musical instruments. However, the worship team has grown significantly in just three short years since the Children's Center was established in 2021. ...