Mission Projects: Empowering Spiritually, Building Community | 宣教项目:属灵扶持、社区建设

Mission projects are a critical aspect of Living Hope’s missions, where we enhance both spiritual and material support for our partners across various regions. We focus on developing spiritual leaders and strengthening churches to achieve Living Hope’s vision of fulfilling the Great Commission. This involves supporting pastors, providing church aid, offering pastor training, engaging in prison evangelism, and carrying out soccer ministries. Meanwhile, on a material level, we promote and facilitate building safe homes, aiding sustainable agricultural projects, and making clean water accessible. Additionally, we continue the efforts in raising support for the Agape Cancer Survivor Family Fund and Ukraine Crisis Fund. All these projects will help our co-workers in different regions to address the immediate needs of the communities they serve.
Spiritual Empowerment
In our spiritual empowerment programs, we have supported more than 20 ministers in East Asia, enhancing their ability to lead and nurture their congregations effectively. Most of these ministers are involved in the child sponsorship program, and they have established a deep friendship with the children and families because of Christ. Additionally, our prison ministry has seen transformative results with over a hundred inmates embracing faith this year and expanding discipleship training to more prisons. Furthermore, the establishment of 8 church soccer teams has provided a platform for youth engagement, promoting not only physical health but also spiritual and communal well-being.
Community Building
On the community-building front, our efforts have been equally impactful. The construction of the first safe home in the Tolupan Indian tribe marks a milestone in our commitment to improving living conditions while building trust within the community. Moreover, the Agape Children’s Fund has continued to support 43 children from cancer survivor families, providing them with the necessary resources to navigate their challenging circumstances. This support extends beyond financial aid, offering spiritual and educational resources that foster long-term resilience and well-being. The Ukraine Crisis Program sustains support to the affected families, showcasing our commitment to aiding those in urgent need amidst crises.
宣教项目是新希望宣教的一个重要方面,我们通过该项目加强对各地合作伙伴的属灵和物质支持。为了实现 Living Hope 履行大使命的异象˙,我们专注于培养属灵领袖和坚固教会。这包括支持牧师、提供教会援助、提供牧师培训、进行监狱传福音和开展足球事工。同时,在物质方面,我们促进建设安全家园、可持续农业项目和活水事工。此外,我们还继续为癌症幸存者家庭基金和乌克兰紧急基金的需求来募款。所有这些项目都将帮助我们在各地的同工,解决他们所在区域的迫切需求。
在我们的属灵扶持计划中,我们支持了东亚的 20多位传道人,加强他们有效地领导和牧养教会会众的能力。这些传道人大部分都参与到儿童助养的事工中,他们与孩子还有家庭因着基督建立了深厚的情谊。洪都拉斯的监狱事工在今年取得了显著的果效,已有超过一百名囚犯接受耶稣,并扩大了监狱门徒培训。此外,我们已建立了8支教会足球队,为青少年人提供了参与的平台,有效地帮助教会走进年轻人当中牧养他们。
在社区建设方面,我们的努力同样具有影响力。在托鲁盘印第安部落(Tolupan Indian tribe)建造的第一个安全之家,是我们致力于改善当地生活条件并在部落内建立信任的一个里程碑。爱加倍 儿童基金会继续为 43 名癌症幸存者家庭的儿童提供支持,为他们提供必要的资源,帮助他们度过难关。这种支持不仅限于经济援助,还提供属灵和教育资源,以培养长期的适应力和幸福感。乌克兰紧急基金持续为受影响的家庭提供支持,我们致力于在危机中帮助那些急需帮助的人的承诺。
Learn More about Living Hope Mission Projects
Mission Projects: Empowering Spiritually, Building Community | 宣教项目:属灵扶持、社区建设
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