Letters from Our Ukrainian Children March 2024|乌克兰孩子的信 2024年3月

Amidst the Russo-Ukraine War, our partnership with a Ukrainian church has provided help and spiritual support to almost 100 children and their families.


Oleksandr Stelmashek

I am writing you a letter again. My name is Oleksandr, I will be 10 years old this year. We live with my sister and mother; I love them very much. I study in the 4th grade, I have friends. When there is an alarm at school, we go to the shelter. I was a little sick, but everything has passed. My relatives are also healthy. Thank God for a peaceful sky above our heads and calm nights and days, as well as the Armed Forces and my dad, who now protects us from heaven. From the bottom of our hearts, we express our gratitude to you for your regular support and help. May the Lord bless you and help you in everything. Health and God's grace to you and your relatives. Thank you for remembering us.
我又给你写信了。 我叫 Oleksandr,今年 10 岁。 我和姐姐与母亲住在一起; 我很爱她们。 我在读四年级,有一些朋友。 当学校发出空袭警报时,我们就去避难所。 我前些天生了小病,但现在都好了。 我的亲戚也都很健康。 感谢上帝,现在我们头顶上有一片宁静的天空、有平静的夜晚和白天,有武装部队和我在天堂的父亲在保卫我们。 我们衷心感谢您一直以来的支持和帮助。 愿主祝福您并在一切事上帮助您。 祝您和您的亲人健康,满有上帝的恩典。 谢谢您记得我们!

Stanislav Konvalenko

Dear Sponsor,

As I write, I am doing as well as circumstances permit. But still, I’m under a lot of pressure. I have tutored almost every day because I am preparing for the NMT (University entrance exam). The tuition at my dream university is very high, so I work in my free time to help my family, at least partially, pay it off. Also, in the meantime, I volunteer every week to help elderly people who have a really small pension and can’t afford food or help repair homes where there are unacceptable living conditions either because of war or very low income. Despite the challenges we face, your support provides hope and encouragement for us. Your donation has not only eased our financial burdens but has also lifted our spirits, reminding us that there are kind souls like you who care about our well-being.

Regarding my health, I am in good health, well, almost. I recently went to a doctor, and it turned out that I had an infection, 2 chronic diseases, and some others. Last week I was injected with antibiotics 2 times a day. Now I feel a lot better, but I still have to take lots of medicine. Your concern for my well-being is deeply appreciated, and I am grateful for this.

As for the war situation in our region, it remains challenging and uncertain. The ongoing conflict has affected many aspects of daily life, creating hardships for individuals and communities alike. However, your donation has provided much-needed relief and support during these trying times. Your generosity has brought hope and comfort to those affected by the conflict, and for that, I am immensely grateful.

Regarding my family, after the death of my parents, life became a lot harder. My grandfather became the only one who earned money. But now we have become used to it. Grandfather has a hard time because he works a lot to pay for utilities, food, etc.

Finally, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your donation. Your generosity has made a real difference in my life and the lives of others. Your kindness and compassion inspire us all, and I am honored to have your support.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. Your donation will have a lasting impact, and I am deeply grateful for your support.

在我写这篇文章时,我在尽力做任何力所能及的事情。但即便如此,我的压力还是很大。 我几乎每天都上课外辅导班,因为我正在准备NMT(大学入学考试)。 我梦想的大学的学费非常高,所以我在空闲时间打工来帮助家里,至少可以挣部分学费。与此同时,我每周都会做志愿者,帮助那些养老金很少、买不起食物的老年人,或者帮助修复他们的房屋,有些是因战争而毁坏的了,有些是因为他们收入极低而 没有办法维修以至于几乎不能居住了。 尽管我们面临挑战,但您的支持为我们带来了希望和鼓励。 您的捐款不仅减轻了我们家的经济负担,也振奋了我们的精神,提醒我们还有像您这样的善良的人们在关心我们的福祉。

就我的健康而言,我身体还好,还算差不多吧。 我最近去看医生,因为我感染了2种慢性病和其他一些疾病。 上周我每天注射两次抗生素。 现在我感觉好多了,但我还得吃很多药。 非常感谢您对我身体健康的关心,对此我深表感谢。

我们国家战局依然充满挑战和不确定性。 持续不断的战争影响了我们日常生活的许多方面,给每个人和社区都带来了困难。 然而,您的捐款已经为我们在艰难时期的需要提供了很多救济和支持。 你们的慷慨给受战争影响的人们带来了希望和安慰,对此我深表感激。

就我的家庭而言,父母去世后,我们家的生活变得更加困难。我的祖父成为唯一挣钱的人。 但现在我们已经习惯了。祖父感觉更艰难,因为他要超长时间工作才能支付水电、食物等费用。

最后,我谨对您的捐助表示衷心的感谢!您的慷慨给我和其他人的生活带来了真正的改变。 您的善良和同情心激励着我们所有人,我很荣幸能得到您的支持。

再次衷心感谢您的慷慨解囊。 您的捐助将产生持久的影响,我对您的支持深表感谢。

Viktoria Lutsyk

My name is Viktoria and I’m 10. I live in Lviv and study in the 5th grade. I’m fond of dancing and often take part in competitions. I’m very happy when I win prizes. 
I have a dream that my country will win in this war and I will have a peaceful childhood without explosions and rockets. I’m very grateful for your help! Peace and kindness to you!
我叫Viktoria,今年 10 岁。我住在Lviv,在读五年级。 我喜欢跳舞,经常参加比赛。 每次赢了奖就非常开心。

我有一个梦想,我的国家将在这场战争中获胜,我将拥有一个没有爆炸和导弹的和平的童年。 我非常感谢您给我的帮助! 愿您得平安,愿您得恩惠!

Sergiy Zhytovetskiy

These six months passed very quickly. I go to school and prepare to enter a higher educational institution. I work with tutors in the Ukrainian language, mathematics, history, and English. I am also developing my video editing skills. We are all healthy. It is calmer in our village than in the city; there were explosions there. During an alarm, we go to the shelter. I really want VICTORY! I want to live in a free, peaceful country with happy people. Unfortunately, most people are sad and very anxious now. I ask you to pray for the victory of my country, for people who have experienced pain, loss, and disappointment.

Thank you very much for your support and constant help.
这六个月过得很快。 我上学,并为高考做准备。我在补习乌克兰语、数学、历史和英语。我也在练习提高我的视频编辑技能。我们全家都很健康。我们村里比城市里平静;城里发生了很多次的炸弹袭击。空袭警报响起时,我们就必须得去避难所。我真的很想乌克兰尽快取得胜利! 我想生活在一个自由、和平的国家,人民的生活幸福安康。不幸的是现在大多数人都感到悲伤和焦虑。 请您们为我们国家胜利、为那些经历痛苦、失落和失望的人们祈祷。

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