Prayer Letter from Pastor Zhou of the Kenyan Chinese Yongguang Church, December | 2022年12月肯尼亞華人永光堂周牧師代禱信

Peace in the Lord, brothers and sisters,

In the past three years, the pandemic has had a great impact on the church, which is directly reflected in the number of attendees and tithe in the church. The number of serving co-workers also decreased accordingly. Now there are about 20 people worshiping in person on Sunday. The church's Wednesday prayer meeting and Bible study have been changed to online, and Sunday worship has also been changed to online live broadcast and in person at same time. At present, the church also lacks co-workers who are responsible for children's Sunday school.


Thank God for leading the Living Hope short-term mission team to Kenya to visit the Chinese community here during Thanksgiving this year. The team members’ testimonies encouraged local Chinese believers. Through team members sharing their church life in North America, local believers can understand the necessity of a healthy church life, and let believers see how to humbly cooperate with pastors to build a church.


We pray that God would use Living Hope to lead more short-term mission teams to visit Chinese churches in Kenya. Believers in Kenya look forward to more fellowship with the mission team. We also invite more brothers and sisters with various gifts to come to us, such as professional nutritionists, dentists, etc. We can arrange simple lectures. These gifts can make up for the lack of missionaries themselves.


In Him,

Pastor Zhou
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