Regional Youth Camp 2023 Valle Council, Honduras ASIECAH |2023年洪都拉斯 Valle地区青少年营会
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Director of LHGM Children’s Center & Director of Youth Evangelism at 51 churches in the Langue area: Williams Flores Cañas
洪都拉斯新希望兒童中心主任 & Langue地區51間教會青少年福音事工負責人:Williams Flores Cañas
Director of LHGM Children’s Center & Director of Youth Evangelism at 51 churches in the Langue area: Williams Flores Cañas
洪都拉斯新希望兒童中心主任 & Langue地區51間教會青少年福音事工負責人:Williams Flores Cañas

Williams (front row, first from left) and youth camp participants
Williams (前排左邊第一位)和冬令營參與者
God has given us a vision of reaching our youth for Christ. Disciplining young people is a blessing of Hope for the future. It may not be an easy task, and few churches take on this challenge, but the reward is great.
In January of this year, our youth camp welcomed 158 young people representing 20 churches in our region. We experienced a wonderful time in the Lord and could feel the call to holiness and service to God.
Through Living Hope Global Ministries support, many of our youth were blessed. LHGM provided sponsorship to cover half of the camp expenses to very deserving young people who because of poverty did not have the resources to attend. This life changing blessing provided an opportunity for them to leave their villages for the first time. We witnessed their concentration on the preaching of the word of God with all listening. They were feeling the love of our Lord. LHGM is doing amazing things through Christ in our region by supporting our churches in our mission to share the love of God.
The two pillars of the camp were evangelism and confirmation in Christ. We believe that young people can bring change and impact an increasingly needy society.
The central theme of the camp was DOERS of the word - according to the book of James 1:22. We challenged them to read their Bible daily and become a leader who practices every word.
We were thrilled to see the young people seek the counsel of the word of GOD with the speaker after the teaching. Throughout the retreat, many of them cried as they were filled with the spirit of GOD.
The regional youth program leader is very grateful to have the support of LHGM and infinitely appreciates that we share the same vision for the youth and children.
We will stand in the Gap – together.
In January of this year, our youth camp welcomed 158 young people representing 20 churches in our region. We experienced a wonderful time in the Lord and could feel the call to holiness and service to God.
Through Living Hope Global Ministries support, many of our youth were blessed. LHGM provided sponsorship to cover half of the camp expenses to very deserving young people who because of poverty did not have the resources to attend. This life changing blessing provided an opportunity for them to leave their villages for the first time. We witnessed their concentration on the preaching of the word of God with all listening. They were feeling the love of our Lord. LHGM is doing amazing things through Christ in our region by supporting our churches in our mission to share the love of God.
The two pillars of the camp were evangelism and confirmation in Christ. We believe that young people can bring change and impact an increasingly needy society.
The central theme of the camp was DOERS of the word - according to the book of James 1:22. We challenged them to read their Bible daily and become a leader who practices every word.
We were thrilled to see the young people seek the counsel of the word of GOD with the speaker after the teaching. Throughout the retreat, many of them cried as they were filled with the spirit of GOD.
The regional youth program leader is very grateful to have the support of LHGM and infinitely appreciates that we share the same vision for the youth and children.
We will stand in the Gap – together.

神給了我們一個為基督接觸年輕人的異象。 培養年輕人是未來的希望。這可能不是一項容易的任務,很少有教會接受這一挑戰,但回報是巨大的。
今年一月,我們的青年營迎來了代表本地區20個教會的158名年輕人。 我們在主里經歷了一段美好的時光,我們可以感受到對聖潔和為神服務的呼召。
通過Living Hope Global Ministries的支持,我們的許多年輕人得到了祝福。Living Hope Global Ministries支付了一半營會的費用,為那些沒有資金參加營會的年輕人提供了資助。 由於貧窮,這些年輕人無法參加我們的青年活動,他們也沒有離開過他們的村莊。這對他們來說是一個改變生命的祝福,也是一個他們永遠不會忘記的機會。 我們看到他們專注於聽上帝的話語,他們感受到主的愛。 Living Hope Global Ministries正在通過基督在我們的地區做著了不起的事情,支持我們的教會完成分享神的愛的使命。
我們地區的青年事工領袖非常感激Living Hope Global Ministries的支持,並無限感激我們能在青少年和兒童的事工上,能夠分享同一異像。我們將共同站在這個破口中。
Posted in Ministry Updates, Monthly Ministry Updates, Ministry Updates Honduras
Posted in Honduras, Langue
Posted in Honduras, Langue
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