Seeds of Hope | 希望的种籽

In our spiritual empowerment programs, we have supported more than 20 ministers in East Asia, enhancing their ability to lead and nurture their congregations effectively. Most of these ministers are involved in the child sponsorship program, and they have established a deep friendship with the children and families because of Christ. Two of our co-workers in Asia share God‘s work that they witnessed while serving our children and their families.

在我们的属灵扶持计划中,我们支持了东亚的 20多位传道人,加强他们有效地领导和牧养教会会众的能力。这些传道人大部分都参与到儿童助养的事工中,他们与孩子还有家庭因着基督建立了深厚的情谊。亚洲的两位同工分享她们在服事我们孩子和他们家庭所见证到的上帝所带来的改变。 

Living Hope Supported Local Missionary and Sponsored Child, Abraham

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Thank you for your dedication and support behind the scenes! On the road of my service, your love has been influencing me, encouraging me, touching me, and bringing me to where I am today.
While serving these orphans and poor children, my relationship with them has become closer and closer. In July this year, I took one child to attend a youth Bible camp. The child's father trusted us and allowed the child to be alone with us for five days. The child has made great progress in this camp. After hearing the truth, he can retell it to us in general, and he even gave thanksgiving prayers when we ate with him! Thank God for His grace! The greatest comfort to my heart was that from then on, the child began to be willing to participate in the weekly Sunday school worship, and his parents trusted us more. Every time we went to pick up the child for fellowship, he would leave the child to us with confidence. 
My co-workers were also very satisfied. They told me that the two years of prayers and visitation was worth it, and the gospel has been harvested.  Thank God for allowing us to work together in Christ. Every time I receive your donation, I feel like I see you cheering for me, let us love the Lord to the end together!

     æ„Ÿè°¢ä½ ä»¬ä¸€ç›´ä»¥æ¥åœ¨èƒŒåŽé»˜é»˜çš„奉献和支持,在我服事的道路上,你们的爱心一直在影响着我,鼓励着我,感动着我,使我走到今天。


Living Hope Supported Local Missionary

I am very grateful for God guiding me in my service. At the beginning of this summer break, I prayed that these sponsored children would be able to attend youth camp. Since we were asked to register in advance, Lisa and her sister Nina had already signed up, so I bought tickets for them. Just after purchasing the tickets, they said they could no longer go. What made me feel the saddest was that their own grandmother prevented them from participating. They wanted to come themselves, but they could not make decisions on their own. I had no choice but to cancel their tickets. I was feeling sad for them.

A few days later, I was about to visit our sponsored children. While praying in the morning, a thought suddenly came to my mind. It would be great if another child, Jimmy, could attend the camp! When I arrived at Jimmy's home, I talked to him about the camp. He said he could only go with his father's permission. Just as he was talking, his father came back, and he immediately agreed to let him go. God really loves Jimmy to prepare this opportunity for him. His father didn’t stop him, and I believed it was God’s work.

We have been ministering to his family for several years, supporting them with material and financial help. Our church coworkers prayed and spent time and energy caring for them over the years. God has sown seeds in their hearts, and it is time for a harvest this year!

We brought Jimmy to participate in youth camp, where he felt the love of God. During the camp, the Holy Spirit was at work, and he accepted Jesus as his Savior! Praise God! His life has changed a lot. He began to diligently study and recite the Scriptures, which is wisdom given by God. He used to be somewhat reserved, but towards the end of the camp, he became lively and very sensible. He even set aside part of the prize he won for me! I was very touched and grateful to God for giving him such a kind heart. He said that if there is another camp next year, he wants me to sign him up again. He also mentioned that he would share his experiences with his sister when he goes home. All glory to God. I call him ”Timothy“ I hope that he will become an influential brother in the future


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