Retire? Refire | 人生七十才开始

As the saying goes, "Life doesn't begin until you are seventy." If the retirement age of most people is between sixty-five and seventy, then the second half of your life should officially begin after you retire. A broad study conducted in the United States found that the most productive age for humans is between sixty and seventy; the second most productive age is between seventy and eighty. Therefore, the best and most productive age of humans should be between 60 and 80. If you are sixty, seventy, or eighty, you are in the best stage of your life. This means you still have the opportunity to be used by God, not wasting time before meeting Him, but making good use of your life to live out God's beauty. In Moses' prayer, he said, "The days of our life are seventy years, or eighty if we are strong.” (Psalm 90:10), in order not to waste time, he continued to pray to God, “Please teach us how to number our days, so that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12) Understanding the brevity of life can help us make the best use of each passing moment to do something of eternal significance.

Thank God, in response to His ordained calling, to live a fulfilling life, "Living Hope Global Ministries" prepares overseas mission opportunities for Christians to "Retire? Refire!". Our mission fields are primarily concentrated in Central and South America.  In April 2024, I had the opportunity to participate in the 7th Pan-American Chinese Mission Conference held in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. More than 120 Chinese Missionaries from all over the world attended the conference. They all only responded to the calls from Central and South America. During those days, many touching missionary testimonies were heard, and the Holy Spirit once again called for more churches to participate.

Since most of Central and South America are Catholic, they need the gospel of Christ even more. To actually help them lead to the faith of Christ, you have to come and see just like when the two disciples of John the Baptist were about to follow Jesus, Jesus said to them, "Come, and you will see" (John 1 :39). After Philip met Jesus, he went to find Nathanael. Nathanael's life changed because of Philip's invitation, "Come and See." Do you want to know about the special needs of Central and South America? I invite you to come and see. Action is better than emotion. Seeing the world, Jesus said, “The harvest is ripe and it’s time to harvest” (John 4:35). Ask God to open our spiritual horizons, step out of the church, raise our eyes to the fields, and see the world from His eyes. People need the Lord, and if the gospel is not preached to them now, then when?

In February of 2014, I went to Peru with my wife. This was my third time there. Each time I had a different experience. I saw a big need of gospel but very few people preaching there. From July 29 to August 10 in 2024, I will take a short-term mission team to the Wuling tribe of the Bunun ethnic group in eastern Taiwan. A total of 18 people participated this time. Daily activities will include children's English summer camp, home visits, community service, personal evangelism, prison evangelism, church visits and more. Besides Taiwan, in addition to leading a missionary conference, I will go to Kenya, Africa for missionary work from 9/12-9/22. After returning to the United States in early October, I will go to Chile, Bolivia, and Paraguay from 10/17 to 10/30 to embark on a "Retire? Refire!" missionary trip. If this is the way God has opened for us, we will form a short-term mission team to go there next year.

Please pray especially for my trips, physical and spiritual strength, and adaptability. Taking this opportunity, my wife and I would like to thank our brothers and sisters for your support, prayers, care, and dedication on our missionary journey. If you want to know more about “"Retire? Refire!", Please contact our office here. May the Lord’s grace be with you forever and bless you more! May you love the Lord more!
俗话说『人生七十才开始』。如果大部分人的退休年龄是六十五岁到七十岁的话,那么人生下半场应该就是你退休后正式开始。之前美国进行的了一项广泛研究:人类最富有生产力的年龄: 在60至70岁之间;人类第二高生产力的年龄在70至80岁之间,可见人类的最佳和最高生产力年龄应该在60至80岁之间。如果您现在是60岁、70岁或80岁,那么……你是处于生活的最佳状态之中。这表示你在这段时间仍有机会为神所用,在迎见神之前,不是虚度光阴,而是善用人生活出神的美好。摩西的祷告里讲到『我们一生的年日是七十岁,若是强壮可到八十岁。』(诗90:10), 为了不浪费时光他继续祷告神『求袮指教我们怎样数算自己的日子,好叫我们得着智慧的心。』(诗90:12)明白生命的短暂能帮助我们善用每个将逝的岁月做些有永恒意义的事。

感谢神,为了回应神所命定的呼召,活出精彩的晚年,《新希望全球事工》为基督徒预备《退而不休》的海外宣教机会,我们宣教的工场大部分集中在中美洲或南美洲。2024年4月.我有机会参加了在阿根廷首都Buenos Aires举行的第七届泛美华福会议,与会的120多名来自世界各国的宣教同工,他们都只为响应来自中美洲和南美洲的呼声。在那几天的聚会里,我听到了许多感人的宣教见证,圣灵再次呼唤更多教会参与。

由于中美洲和南美洲大部分信奉天主教,他们更需要基督的福音。若要实际地帮助他们导向基督真道,你必须来看,如同当年施洗约翰的两个门徒要跟从耶稣时,耶稣对他们说:『你们来看(Come,and you will see)』(约1:39)。当年腓力与耶稣相遇之后就去找拿但业,拿但业也因腓力的邀请『你来看』(Come and See),生命因此改变。你要了解中南美洲和南美洲的特殊需要吗?我邀请您Come and See,感动不如行动。看到世界的禾场,耶稣说:『庄稼已经熟了,是收割的时候了』(约4:35)。求神打开我们属灵的视野,走出教会,举目向田观看,从祂的眼光来看世人。人们需要主,如果现在不向他们传福音,更待何时?


请特别为我的行程、体力、灵力、适应力祷告。在此借着这机会,师母和我特别要谢谢弟兄姐妹在我们宣教路上的支持、代祷、关爱和奉献。您如果想要了解更多有关『退而不休』的事工,请跟我们办公室联络。愿 神加倍地赐福您们! 愿 主恩永偕 爱主更深!
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