Hope Behind Bars | 囚牢中的希望

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Pastor José Luis Maldonado Vijil, Living Hope Supported Pastor and Ministry Partner in Honduras
文: 新希望支持的牧師及洪都拉斯事工夥伴 José Luis Maldonado Vijil 牧師
My name is José Luis Maldonado. I am an Evangelical Pastor living in Langue Valle, Honduras in Central America. Allow me to share with you about the ministry I carry out in various prisons in our country.

For 13 years, God placed a burden on my heart to carry and share the gospel with those deprived of liberty in prisons and,  in this way,  show each person the love of God so that they may believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved, since for many Christians, this work does not represent any interest. Rather, they are viewed with contempt.

But I am convinced these people are very in need of God's love, and it is better for us as a church to show it to them through actions and not just words. To such a degree that this belief led me to make arrangements with the prison authorities so that they would not only provide me with permits to enter the prisons and share the gospel, but also I can give the prisoners something to eat as well as some supplies for personal hygiene, since the majority of people in these places are despised by society and, in many cases, they are even abandoned by their families and friends.

Baptisms in Prisons

Throughout these 13 years, I have experienced God's love and His support to fulfill the mission and call in this prison ministry, managing to share the gospel with thousands of people, hundreds of whom have made the decision to surrender their lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives.

I want to highlight, first of all, that without the support of our God, this would not have been possible, just like the support received from Living Hope in the last 5 years has been of great value in fulfilling the mission that my Lord placed in my heart for more than a decade. It is important to mention that each of the visits we receive from the groups in various months of the year motivates the brothers inside the prisons to continue their path of following Jesus as the Lord and Savior of their lives. Besides the support provided to every inmate by delivering a personal hygiene kit and some food, most importantly,  with each testimony shared by several of the brothers on their visits and, of course, the gospel of the Kingdom,  more inmates have put their faith in Jesus. It also allows Christian inmates’ faith in Christ to be strengthened every day.

Prison Discipleship Training

In this entire process of sharing the gospel for several years, we also saw the need to base the faith in Christ for Christians within prisons, so with the support of Living Hope, we implemented Christian discipleship starting 5 years ago in Nacaome prison. At the end of 2023, we decided to expand this discipleship to two more prisons, the Choluteca prison and the La Paz prison, with the vision of continuing to expand, if our God allows us so that more inmate believers may learn systematically and grow in faith. I am so grateful to our Lord for allowing me to share this ministry with you. Let us pray together and seek God’s guidance. May God bless you abundantly!

STM Members Partnering with Pastor Luis for Prison Evangelism

我叫José Luis Maldonado,是一名福音派牧師,我住在中美洲洪都拉斯的蘭蓋地區,我想和您分享一下我在洪都拉斯幾個監獄裡的福音事工。







在這些年來分享福音的整個過程中,我們看到了在監獄中讓基督徒信仰紮根的必要性,因此,在新希望全球事工的支持下,我們5年前在Nacaome(納卡奧梅)監獄開始了門徒培訓。2023年年底,我們決定將門徒培訓服事擴大到另外兩所監獄,即Choluteca(喬盧特卡)和La Paz(拉巴斯)監獄,使得獄友在信主後可以系統地學習和成長。如果神允許,差遣有負擔和使命服事監獄的同工加入我們,那麼監獄事工就可以繼續擴大規模。 感謝主能夠讓我與您分享這樣的事工。 讓我們一同禱告尋求神的帶領和保守。 願神大大祝福您!
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