Prayer Corner | 代禱欄

We earnestly request everyone to continue praying for the following ministry needs. If you feel moved, we also encourage you to provide financial support:
Living Hope Global Ministries (Suggested donation: $50/$100/$250)
- Pray for the Lord to continue leading the Living Hope Global Ministries teams in the US and Canada to work together wholeheartedly and with dedication.
- Pray for the Lord to move many churches to continue supporting Living Hope Global Ministries, whether in financial means or by encouraging more brothers and sisters to participate in the Lord's great mission, living a life that shines brilliantly for the Lord.
- Pray for the healthy and sustainable operation of the offices in the US and Canada.
Support for Children Sponsorship Ministry (Suggested donation: $30/month or $360/year)
- Pray for the physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being of the children in Asia, Honduras, Kenya, and Ukraine.
- Pray for the brothers and sisters involved in the ministry to continue working together and faithfully for the Lord.
- Pray for the healthy operation of the child support ministry in each country and for more children to be sponsored.
Support for Ministers and Missionaries (Suggested donation$50/$100/$250)
- Pray for the ministers and their families serving in Asia, Honduras, Kenya, and Ukraine. Ask the Lord to continue to strengthen their faithful service. Soaring for the Lord even in difficult times.
Evangelistic Outreach Ministry (Suggested donation: $50/$100/$250)
- Pray for the expansion of more evangelistic outreach ministries in Asia, Honduras, Kenya, and Ukraine.
新希望全球事工 (建議金額$100/$200/$300)
- 求主繼續帶領新希望全球事工美國和加拿大團隊同心與委身。
- 求主感動眾教會繼續支持新希望全球事工,無論是金錢還是帶領更多的弟兄姊妹們參與主的大使命,為主活出璀璨的人生。在美國和加拿大的辦公室能夠健康可持續運作代禱。
孤貧兒童助養事工 (建議金額30/月 或 360/年)
- 為在亞洲,洪都拉斯,肯尼亞,烏克蘭孩子們的身體,心理和靈命代禱。
- 為各國家兒童助養事工的健康運作及更多孩子的助養代禱
- 為參與事工的弟兄姊妹繼續同心與忠心為主做工代禱。
傳道人,宣教士資助事工 (建議金額$100/$200/$300)
- 為在亞洲,洪都拉斯,肯尼亞,烏克蘭服事的傳道人及家庭代禱,求主繼續堅固他們的忠心服事,靠著主迎難而上,為主展翅上騰。
福音外展事工 (建議金額$100/$200/$300)
- 為在亞洲,洪都拉斯,肯尼亞,烏克蘭開展更多福音外展事工代禱。
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