To Our Sponsors | 写给助养人

Dear Supporters,
You are more than donors; you are a vital part of our global family, dedicated to nurturing and rescuing vulnerable children. Together, let's continue this mission:

1. Pray with Us:
  • For the wisdom and development of the children as they transition into new stages of life.
  • For protection and peace for the children in areas plagued by conflict and hardship.

2. Continue Your Support:
  • Consider deepening your involvement through additional sponsorship or programs.
  • Share these life-transforming testimonies with others who might wish to join our ministry.

3. Engage More Deeply:
  • Consider going on a mission trip or volunteering with us to see the transformative work firsthand.
  • Your engagement brings immense encouragement and joy to the children and our teams.

Together, We Can Do So Much More
By joining hands in this mission, we not only spread hope but also build a future where every child can live in God’s love. Thank you for being a beacon of hope and for believing in this transformative journey.
您不仅仅是助养者; 你们也是新希望全球事工大家庭的重要组成部分,致力于培养和帮助弱势儿童。 让我们一起继续这项使命:

1. 与我们一起祈祷:
  • 为了孩子进入人生新阶段时的智慧与成长祷告。
  • 为受战争和苦难困扰地区的儿童祷告,求主赐平安给他们

2. 继续您的支持:
  • 考虑通过额外助养或资助不同项目来加深您的参与。
  • 与其他可能愿意加入我们事工的朋友们分享这些希望和美好的见证。

3. 更深入地参与:
  • 考虑与我们一起探访或义工服务,亲眼目睹这些改变。
  • 您的参与将给孩子们和我们的团队带来了巨大的鼓励和喜乐。

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