4 Ways to Join Us in Missions | 行动的呼召

As we reflect on these diverse mission experiences, we see the many ways God is working through Living Hope and our partners. From building homes to training pastors, from engaging youth in service to exploring new mission frontiers, each trip contributes uniquely to our vision of mobilizing the church for the Great Commission.

How You Can Join Us:
  1. Join for a Mission Trip: Whether you have a week or a month, consider joining one of our mission trips to experience the sweetness of serving in God’s love.
  2. Support Financially: Help us expand these vital missions. Your donations make it possible for us to serve more communities and transform more lives.
  3. Pray for Our Missions: Your prayers are powerful. Pray for the safety of our teams, the success of our missions, and the hearts of those we serve to be open to God’s love.
  4. Advocate and Share: Tell others about what God is doing through these missions. Your testimonies can inspire others to get involved and support this vital ministry.

Together, we can continue to make a difference and bring hope to the world, one mission trip at a time. Join us as we continue to serve, learn, and grow in God’s mission!
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." - Mark 16:15
  • 8/16-23 Honduras Mission Trip
  • 8/27-9/4 Poland/ Ukraine Mission trip
  • 9/12-22 Kenya Mission Trip
  • 10/17-28 Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia Vision Trip
  • 12/24-31 Honduras Mission Trip
  • 1/8-18/2025 East Asia/ Taiwan Vision Trip
当我们反思这些不同的宣教经历时,我们看到神透过新希望全球事工和我们的合作伙伴所做的各种事工。 从建造住房到培训牧师,从鼓励青年参与事奉到探索新的宣教领域,每次短宣都为我们动员教会实现大使命的愿景贡献了一份的力量。


  1. 参加短宣:无论您有一周或一个月的时间,都可以考虑参加我们的短宣,亲身经历在神的爱中服事的美好。 
  2. 财务支持:帮助我们扩展这些重要使命。 您的捐款使我们能够服务更多地区并改变更多人的生命。 
  3. 为我们的使命祈祷:你们的代祷是有力的。请为我们团队的安全、履行使命,以及我们所服事的人群将心灵敞开接受神的爱。
  4. 宣传与分享:向他人分享神通过我们的短宣所做的事情。 您的见证可以激励其他人参与并支持这重要事工。

「你们往普天下去,传福音给万民听 。」 - 马可福音 16:15
  • 8/16-23 洪都拉斯短宣
  • 8/27-9/4 波兰,乌克兰短宣
  • 9/12-22 肯尼亚短宣
  • 10/17-28 巴拉圭,智利,玻利维亚异象之旅
  • 12/24-31 洪都拉斯家庭青少年短宣
  • 1/8-18/2025 东亚台湾异象宣教之旅
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