Transformative Partnerships in Kenya | 影响深远的肯尼亚事工

Kathonzweni Children‘s Home (2023 Kenya STM Trip)
Kathonzweni儿童之家 (2023肯尼亚短宣)

Children Sponsorship Program: A Global Mission to Rescue the Vulnerable

The Children Sponsorship Program is at the heart of our mission to reach out to vulnerable children around the world, offering them not just the essentials of care but also the spiritual guidance that shapes their futures. With the partnership of local churches and the unyielding support of our sponsors, a profound difference has been made in the lives of children across various regions. Currently, the program supports over 400 children in diverse and challenging environments: Honduras (Langue and Tolupan), Asia, Ukraine, Kenya. Through financial support and prayer, our sponsors have turned hope into action. Your contributions have fostered environments where children get to know Jesus, develop a personal relationship with Him, and redefine their purpose in life.

Transformative Impact Across the Globe

In each region, our program has adapted to meet the unique needs of the children:

  • Honduras Langue: Marking seven years since our center’s establishment, we’ve seen our first group of children grow into youth. This transition has led to the start of a youth program dedicated to nurturing spiritual leaders.
  • Honduras Tolupan: Since 2021, the children's center has been a beacon of hope for 74 children, providing not just physical nourishment but spiritual guidance.
  • Asia: In partnership with local workers, our program continues to expand helping over 100 children and their families. We have witnessed more and more families welcome Jesus in their life. 
  • Ukraine: Amidst the Russo-Ukraine War, our partnership with a Ukrainian church has provided help and spiritual support to almost 100 children and their families.
  • Kenya: Partnering with a Christian organization, we've seen transformative changes in the lives of children at Mbooni and now, Kathonzweni Children’s Home. Many children express that they want to become pastors after growing up. 
In Kenya, all the children at the Mbooni Children's Home have received full sponsorship this year and are in good health. Now, the needs at the Kathonzweni Children's Home are greater, but the impact made there is also profound.
Eunice’s Gratitude and Dreams

Dear Sponsor,

I take this golden chance to greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  How are you?  I hope you are fine as I am.  I am doing well here at Mbooni Childrens Home with the other children and parents.

We have opened our school for first term 2024.  Now I am in grade six.  After doing end term exam, I got good marks that made me to join the new grade.  I thank God because this year I am a candidate for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (K.P.S.E.A).  Also I thank God because after opening the school I was given new books, pencil, and pens.  I thank God because when I come here I have never been sent home for school fees, when the other learners are sent I remain in class busy revising.  Thank you for your support of school fees, school uniform and shoes.

In our school we have new deputy head teacher.  Her name is Mrs. Ndwiga.  She teaches us social studies.  In our class we have new subject which is nutrition.  In grade five nutrition was home science.  My best subject is English.  Our English teacher is Mrs. George.  Pray for me to do well in the new class.

My best friend is Barake Mwende.  She is in grade four at Yambae Primary School.  During breat time we rread story books.  When I grow up I would like to be a doctor.  I want to share a memory verse with you, Philippians 4:4-7:  It says, Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice.  I love you.  God Bless You.  I miss you.

Your loving daughter,
Eunice Mbithe (Mbooni Children's Home)

Eunice Mbithe from Mbooni Children's Home
来自Mbooni儿童之家的Eunice Mbithe


目前,该计划共资助了 400多 名儿童他们生活在不同的挑战性环境中: 洪都拉斯(兰盖和托鲁盘)、亚洲、乌克兰和肯尼亚。


  • 洪都拉斯兰盖 :在儿童中心建立七年之际,我们见证了第一批儿童成长为青少年。这一转变促使我们开始实施一项致力于培养青年领袖的计划。
  • 洪都拉斯托鲁盘:自2021 年以来,该儿童中心已成为 74 名儿童的希望灯塔,不仅提供物质营养,还提供属灵的指引。
  • 亚洲:我们与当地同工合作,不断扩大计划范围,帮助了100多名儿童及其家人的生活。我们见证了我们的主耶稣进入越来越多的家庭,给他们带来了希望和幸福。
  • 乌克兰:在俄乌战争中,我们和乌克兰教会合作为近百名儿童及其家人提供了帮助和精神支持。
  • 肯尼亚:通过与主办教会的合作,我们见证了 Mbooni 儿童之家以及现在的 Kathonzweni 儿童之家孩子们生活的巨大变化。很多孩子表示长大了要当传道人。

在肯尼亚,今年Mbooni儿童之家的所有儿童都得到了全额资助,孩子们健康状况良好。现在,Kathonzweni 儿童之家的需求更大,但产生的影响也是深远的。


我借此绝佳机会奉我们主耶稣基督的名向您问安! 您现在还好吗? 我希望您和我一样一切都好。 我在 Mbooni儿童之家与其他孩子和家长相处得很好。

我们的 2024 年第一学期已经开学了。现在我上六年级。 上学期的期末考试,我取得了好成绩,现在进入了新年级。 我感谢上帝,因为今年我是肯尼亚小学教育评估(K.P.S.E.A)考试的候选人。 我也感谢上帝,因为学校开学后我得到了新书、铅笔和钢笔。 我感谢上帝,因为自从我来到这里后,我从未因为没缴学费而被送回家,当其他同学被送回家时,我仍然可以留在学校复习功课。 感谢您支持了我的学费、校服、鞋子的费用。

我们学校有了新的副校长。 她的名字是Ndwiga夫人。 她教我们社会学。 我们现在有一个新科目,就是营养学。 五年级时,营养学是必修科目。 我最好的科目是英语。 我们的英语老师是George夫人。 请为我祈祷,让我在新学期可以取得好成绩。

我最好的朋友是Barake Mwende。 她在 Yambae 小学读四年级。 课间休息时我们一起看故事书。 当我长大后,我想成为一名医生。 我想与你们分享一个经节,《腓立比书》4:4-7:你们要靠主常常喜乐,我再说,你们要喜乐。“

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