Youths on Missions: Acting as Hands and Feet of Jesus | 宣教中的青少年:做耶稣的手足

Article by Cecily Ji, 2024 Honduras STM Member
文:2024洪都拉斯短宣队队员 Cecily Ji
I am thrilled to share my incredible experience I had on our recent mission trip to Honduras. As many of you know, I had the privilege of joining the Living Hope Ministries team with a group from our church to serve in Honduras. This experience for me was something extremely eye opening and heartwarming.

On the way to the Living Hope base from the airport, I was a bit skeptical. This was my first time going to Honduras, and it was also my first ever mission trip. But from the moment we arrived at the base, it was clear that God was at work. Although everyone was extremely tired from a long trip, every person was still so extremely kind and respectful. That night we had an introduction and then split off from adults to the youth. My first impression on the youth group was very positive because we all had a good work ethic while preparing for the VBS. Our primary mission was to visit the prison and spread the word of God, run 3 VBS and visit the poor village people.
We woke up early the second day to take a 7 hour school bus ride to the mountains. When we arrived I could feel the hospitality and warmth of the Hondurans. The youth hosted our first VBS to the kids from the mountains with a story and a craft, then we went to visit the villagers in their homes and gave out food and supplies while praying for them. Seeing the relief in their eyes was truly heartwarming. It reminded me of the tangible impact we can have when we act as the hands and feet of Christ. When we got back Children’s Center, all the villagers gathered for a testimony night followed by songs. On the night of the second day I already felt so blessed and touched because despite the daily challenges that the people in Honduras faced, their joy and faith in God were palpable and deeply inspiring.
We went to the llama prison with 500 people on the second day and it was definitely an eye opening experience. This was my first time ever visiting a prison and at the beginning, I was super scared. But when we got to the courtyard of the prison, we had the opportunity to share the gospel and our personal testimonies with them. During the testimony, I could see the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of those listening. We also visited the Choluteca prison with about 90 people and more than Several people came forward for prayer and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior during both of those visits. It Was a powerful reminder of the universal need for God's love and Grace.
One of the most memorable moments for me was when we visited the school in Langue and conducted the VBS. We taught them the 6 colors of Salvation and then organized games for the children. Although most of the games did not go as planned because of the language barrier, it was one of the highlights of the trip for me. I met a group of super sweet little girls that held my hands on each side and took me to their class room. Where they showed me where they sat in the classroom and taught me a game. I feel so blessed to be able to teach these kids about the Glory of God and I don't know if I’ll see them again but I will never forget about them and continue to pray for them.
Another highlight was the relationships I built with the Honduras team, and the local Church members. Back home, a lot of my friends are not Christian, so it was very refreshing when all the Youth girls did devotions together and gave each other advice. During nights after dinner we would talk and just bond together while learning from one another. The whole Youth Group was amazing and everyone was in Honduras for the same purpose, to serve God. The local church members like the pastors and leaders' faithfulness and commitment to the community were incredibly inspiring. We prayed together and worshiped together. It was a beautiful picture of the global body of Christ, united in purpose and love.
I want to thank our church for the prayers and support that made this trip possible. Your generosity and encouragement were felt every step of the way. This experience deepened my faith and has given me a greater appreciation for the blessings we often take for granted. The people we visited in Honduras lived in Mud houses with a small slab of metal for their roof. I'm urging everyone to please pray for them. This experience has also ignited a passion in me to continue serving and spreading the love of Christ, both locally and globally. As I conclude, I urge each of you to consider participating in a mission trip if you haven't already. It's an opportunity to see God's work firsthand and be a part of something greater than ourselves. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of others and share the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
我很高兴与大家分享我最近去洪都拉斯短宣的难忘经历。今年我有幸与我们教会的弟兄姐妹加入Living Hope Global Ministries团队,去洪都拉斯短宣。这次经历对我来说真是大开眼界和温暖人心的。
从机场前往Living Hope基地的路上,我对这次旅行有些怀疑。这是我第一次去洪都拉斯,也是我第一次出去短宣。从我们到达基地的那一刻起,我就清楚地看到上帝在工作。尽管我们每个人都因为长途旅行而非常疲惫,但每个人仍然非常友善和彼此尊重。那天晚上,我们进行了自我介绍,然后成年人和青少年们就分开活动。我对这次的青少年团队的第一印象非常好,大家在为VBS做准备时,每个人都积极参与。我们的主要任务是探访监狱,为囚犯传福音,然后为儿童们举办三次VBS,并拜访洪都拉斯贫苦的村民。
第二天一大早我们就起床,乘坐七个小时的校车前往山区。当我们到达时,我能感受到洪都拉斯人民的热情和温暖。我们为山区的孩子们举办了第一个VBS。我们讲了一个圣经故事,并做了手工。然后我们去家庭探访,为他们分发食物和用品,最后为他们祷告。我看到许多孩子的父母在收到必需品时如释重负,令我心中暖暖的。这让我想到当我们愿意做主的手足时,我们就会为别人的生命带去真实的影响。当我们回到儿童中心时,所有村民都聚集起来参加当晚举办的见证之夜。我们唱了许多赞美诗。第二天晚上, 我已经感到非常受祝福和感动了。尽管洪都拉斯人民每天面临生活的挑战,但他们对神的喜乐和信仰是如此易被人感受到,并深深地被鼓舞。
第二天我们去了Llama监狱,那有500名囚犯,这次的经历令我眼界大开。这是我人生中第一次进监狱。起初我非常害怕,之后我们来到监狱中间的天井,开始向囚犯们分享我们的见证。我们见证时,圣灵在聆听者的心中动工,许多囚犯走上前来决志信主。探访第二个监狱时也是如此,那是个关押90名囚犯的Choluteca监狱,许多囚犯愿意接受主耶稣基督做他们个人的救主。 这是一个强有力的提醒,提醒我们上帝的爱和恩典是普世的需求。
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