Youths on Missions: Experiencing God's Work | 宣教中的青少年:经历上帝的大工

Article by Jana Liu, 2024 Honduras STM Member
文:2024洪都拉斯短宣队队员 Jana Liu
My name is Jana Liu and I am a rising ninth grader who participated in the 2024 Honduras Missionary Trip.
I was raised in a Christian family, going to church and retreats. Before the trip, I did not have any significant expectations or really any strong opinions on what the trip was going to be like. I was just told by my mom that this would be a good experience, so I simply agreed and moved on. I didn't think much of the Christianity aspect of it because, in that period of my bumpy Christian life, I had been running. I ran because I thought that I would never be able to live up to being a Christian. I was scared of facing God and it just felt so easy to run away and ignore everything. I was trying to keep up the act of being happy, but inside I was empty, because there is no real peace without God. So at this point, I thought this trip was going to be another one of those things I would quickly get over with.
When I got there, I could already tell this is not going to be easy and this is not going to be anything I've ever experienced. Honduras forced me to not only look at myself but also at the work God was doing. I got involved and I met many new people, while before I've never had to directly do any of this. In fact, most of the things we did on the trip were firsts for me. I saw compassion, I saw people acting like true Christians, loving and serving the Honduran people. In both the prisons we went to, the entire time I felt like I could see God's love. I felt overcome with hope. Especially to these inmates who have stepped out and accepted Jesus into their hearts and the members of our team who went out to hug, lead, and show love to them. The VBS or PBS, although I still can't tell if it's V or P, it doesn't matter. I feel like all of those children are signs of hope, it is a blessing to have this new generation at least know who Christ is. 
Throughout the trip, I had grown as a Christian immensely and this was also the closest I had felt to God and Jesus. So when I found out I could be baptized at the end of this trip, I really started thinking. Looking back, I might have been overthinking, but regardless, it was true that I was really struggling with the decision. I had always thought if I would ever get baptized, it would be at my church, where I grew up. There was also the thought that maybe I could get baptized twice, in Honduras and at home, but the choice I was facing at the moment was if I wanted to get baptized in Honduras. I had some really good talks with Josh and Allen, to which I am forever grateful to both of them. In the end, baptism is not about the place, it's about if you are ready and willing to rise from the water, newly born in Christ our Savior. So I got baptized. I'm glad the Holy Spirit did give me that little push and I can tell it was the right decision. Many people have asked me what it's like being baptized, and I tried and failed because I can't describe it.
I also definitely want to thank all of the members of our Honduras team, with a special thanks to the youth, whom I have bonded with and thanks to them, had a lot of fun as well. The entire trip was filled with insights that I have still yet to uncover and is an unforgettable experience. My connection with Jesus has been rekindled. I have grown, learned, and rediscovered my purpose in this world. I truly thank God for giving me the opportunity and privilege to participate in this year's Honduras Trip.
我的名字是Jana Liu,即将升入九年级,我参加了2024年的洪都拉斯短宣之旅。
当我刚刚到达那里时,我就能感觉到这一次旅途将不会是容易的,这将是我从未有过的经历。洪都拉斯短宣之旅迫使我不仅审视自己,同时也使我看到上帝是如何做工。我参与其中,认识了许多新朋友。事实上,我们在短宣中做的大多数事情对我来说都是第一次。我看到了短宣队员们的同情心,我看到大家像真正的基督徒一样做事情,去关爱和服事洪都拉斯人民。我们去了两个监狱,整个过程中我都能感受到上帝的爱,特别是看到那些走出来接受耶稣进入他们心中的囚犯,以及我们短宣队员走近前去拥抱、向他们表达爱的时候,我心中充满了希望。 我们做的 VBS (还是PBS?) 的活动也是如此,虽然我仍然分不清是 V 还是 P,但这并不重要。我觉得我们服事的所有的这些孩子都是希望的象征,这是多么大的祝福!让这一代至少知道了基督是谁。
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