35 Years of Spreading Living Hope: Those Who Sow with Tears Shall Reap with Songs of Joy | 新希望35周年:流泪撒种的,必欢呼收割

Robin Horner, Chairman of the Board 2015 to 2022
" I have participated in various missions of Living Hope Global Ministries since 1995, and later became a board member of the Living Hope Board of directors. 18 years ago, my wife and I adopted a Chinese orphan through Living Hope Adoption Agency. Now, she is a first-year college student and a devout Christian. I’m grateful to Living Hope, Dr. Fang and all the staff and volunteers who have served the Lord so faithfully in this work. Thanks to God using them, more than 1,300 children worldwide have been given a chance for a forever family. In addition, thousands of adoptive family members, like my wife and myself, have been given a blessing that only God could have provided. "
Curt Jones , Board Member
" My first experience with MCMI was in the summer of 2004.  I had just been assigned by my mission organization to partner of training pastors with MCMI in East Asia.  God used that experience to shape my ministry for the next 20 years. Under MCMI, God in His grace has provided opportunities for me to train many pastors, train orphanage staff caregivers in several Children's Homes, and lead several English Camps.  Serving with MCMI, now Living Hope Global Ministries, and serving on the board for the past several years, has been a great blessing.  I’ve enjoyed my friendship with Samuel Fang and many others serving in the office, along with many Chinese and Honduran co-workers.  I praise God for the way in which He has raised up MCMI/ LHGM to be such a blessing to so many. "
Pastor Jared Trumbo, Vintage Church North Raleigh
" In 2009, we flew to Beijing with 15 boxes, our two kids (ages three and five), and not even enough Chinese language skills to count to ten.  But we went with an army of prayer support, a four-year commitment, and a certainty that this was clearly where God wanted us.  
We would occasionally have new kids come to live with us.  A twelve-year-old girl from Shanxi came to live with us in 2011. Her situation was hopeless.  She had no parents.  She had no living relatives who were healthy enough, willing enough, or could afford to care for her.  Living Hope came and rescued her, brought her in, gave her love and good food and education and a warm bed and a family.  Living Hope gave her grace.  Grace = receiving a gift that was not earned, was not deserved, and could never be repaid. Psalm 116:5 says, “Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; our God is merciful.”  Our new friend Mercy (that girl’s English name) understood that truth as well as anyone. "
Pastor Ruixin Zhang, Columbia Chinese Baptist Church
" On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Living Hope Global Ministries, we offer our gratitude. In April 2018, I heard Pastor Fang's testimony about the ministries in Honduras during a pastors' meeting. Under God's guidance, our church began participating in short-term missions to Honduras in 2019, and to date, 44 individuals, both adults and youth, have witnessed the great power and blessings of God. In particular, prison evangelism left a deep impact on every participant. The missions also ignited the enthusiasm of our church members, and they started actively participating in community evangelism. May God continue to bless Living Hope Global Ministries! "
Pastor Paul Shen, former Pastor of Chinese Christian Church of Baltimore
" As we celebrate 35 years of Living Hope Global Ministries, we give thanks to God. With a clear vision and an unequivocal mission, we have reached this point today. Looking back, we will be amazed to find that our Heavenly Father, the God who saves, is the one who has indeed "done great things for us!" (Psalm 126:3). The road ahead is long, and the challenges are great, but we must keep our eyes on the Lord who has commissioned us for the mission and continue to move forward in the direction of the Great Commission. We must respond to God with one heart. He has promised, "Those who sow with tears shall reap with songs of joy" (Psalm 126:5). Fellow workers, let us press on with determination. "
Robin Horner 董事會主席 2015-2022
「 自從1995年我參加新希望全球事工的各項宣教,並在後來成為新希望董事會的成員。18年前,我和我的妻子透過新希望姊妹機構領養了一位中國孤兒,現在她已是大學一年級學生,並是一位虔誠的基督徒。我為著新希望,方牧師,和所有同工及義工在主裡忠心的服事感恩。感謝神使用他們,讓1,300多名來自不同國家的孤兒找到永遠的家。也讓上千個像我和我妻子這樣的領養家庭得到從神來的祝福。」
Curt Jones 董事會成員
「 我第一次接觸MCMI 是在2004 年夏天。我剛剛被我們的宣教機構指派去東亞與MCMI 合作培訓傳道人。神使用這段經歷影響了我接下來20 年事奉的方向。 在主的在恩典中,我有機會為MCMI培訓許多牧師、培訓幾家兒童之家的工作人員,以及舉辦一些英語夏令營。與MCMI(現為Living Hope Global Ministries)共同的服事,以及後來七年擔任董事會成員的經歷,對我都是莫大的祝福。 我跟方牧師與許多在美國辦公室工作的其他同工,以及許多在中國和洪都拉斯的同工們都建立了深厚友誼。 我讚美神,因為祂興起了MCMI/LHGM,為許多人帶來如此多的祝福!」
Jared Trumbo 牧師 Vintage Church North Raleigh
「 2009 年,我們帶著15 個箱子、兩個孩子(分別為三歲和五歲)飛往北京,當時我們的中文水平甚至不足以數到十。但是我們帶著禱告支持、四年的承諾和對神旨意的確信出發了。
有時會有新的孩子來我們家跟我們同住。 2011年,一個十二歲的山西女孩來到我們家,她的情況很無助。她沒有父母。也沒有健康、願意或有能力照顧她的親人。 「新希望」來到了她身邊,拯救了她,接納了她,給了她關愛、食物、教育、溫暖的床和一個家。 「新希望」也給了她上帝的恩典。恩典=接受一份不是自己賺得的、自己不配得到的、也永遠無法償還的禮物。詩篇 116:5 說:「耶和華有恩惠,有公義; 我們的上帝以憐憫為懷。」我們的新朋友梅西(那女孩的英文名Mercy)和其他人一樣明白這個道理。 」
張瑞新牧師 哥倫比亞華人浸信會
「 正值新希望全球事工35週年之際,獻上我們的感恩。我於2018年4月在牧者同工會上聽了方牧師關於洪都拉斯的事工見證。在神的帶領下,我們教會2019年開始參加宏都拉斯的暑期短宣,至今已有44人次參加,大人和青少年都見證了神的大能和恩賜,特別是監獄的傳福音更是震撼了每一位參與者。短宣也挑旺了我們教會弟兄姊妹的熱心,大家開始積極參與社區的傳福音。願神繼續賜福新希望事工!」
沈德來牧師 巴城中華基督教會退休牧師
「 新希望全球事工走過35年,我們要感謝神。因著清楚的異象和明確的使命,我們能走到今天。回過頭來一看,我們會驚訝地發現,我們的天父上帝,祂是施行拯救的神,是祂『果然為我們行了大事!』(詩126:3)。我們要走的路很長,要面臨的考驗大,但我們要把眼目放在差遣我們宣教的主,朝著大使命的方嚮往前走。我們要以彼此同心來回應神。神已經應許我們‘流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割’(詩126:5)。同工們!加油。」
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