Letters from Our Honduran Children March 2024|洪都拉斯孩子的信 2024年3月
- Langue, Honduras: marking 7 years since our center's establishment, and we’ve seen our first group of children grow into youth. This transition has led to the start of a youth program dedicated to nurturing spiritual leaders.
- In Mountain of Flower, Honduras: Since 2021, the children's center has been a beacon of hope for 74 children, providing not just physical nourishment but spiritual guidance.
- 洪都拉斯兰盖 :在儿童中心建立七年之际,我们见证了第一批儿童成长为青少年。这一转变促使我们开始实施一项致力于培养青年领袖的计划。
- 洪都拉斯花山托鲁盘地区:自2021 年以来,该儿童中心已成为 74 名儿童的希望灯塔,不仅提供物质营养,还提供属灵的指引。
Fredis' New Home
Dear Sponsor:
Thank you for your care for me. I am excited that I helped build the first house with the Americans. I learned how to build and I will help in the future.
I play the guitar in church services and I help brother Leandro with anything I can. I am older now and can be more responsible to provide help.
I want to thank you.
Fredis Martinez
Thank you for your care for me. I am excited that I helped build the first house with the Americans. I learned how to build and I will help in the future.
I play the guitar in church services and I help brother Leandro with anything I can. I am older now and can be more responsible to provide help.
I want to thank you.
Fredis Martinez
Fredis Martinez
Fredis Martinez

Denise Alexandra Hernandez Lopez
Dear Sponsor,
Hello, it is always good for my heart to hear from you and how you have been. Thank God I am in very good health and I thank God for my life and that of my family. I am very happy because I am starting a new school year, I am now in the 8th grade, always on weekends so that during the week I can help my grandmother. One of my desires is to get good grades and pass my school year, but it is also to have a good relationship with God. I feel like I have failed in that lately, but I want to do my best to get closer to God. Thank you for everything and keep praying for me. I love you.
Hello, it is always good for my heart to hear from you and how you have been. Thank God I am in very good health and I thank God for my life and that of my family. I am very happy because I am starting a new school year, I am now in the 8th grade, always on weekends so that during the week I can help my grandmother. One of my desires is to get good grades and pass my school year, but it is also to have a good relationship with God. I feel like I have failed in that lately, but I want to do my best to get closer to God. Thank you for everything and keep praying for me. I love you.

Anderson Onan Cardenas Acosta
Dear Sponsor,
On my school vacation this year, I went to my grandpa’s house to visit him. I was so happy to see him. I also want to tell you that I am so happy because with help from Living Hope, we are building my new house, it`s almost done. The team came and helped me, and my mom and dad build our house. You brought the block and sand and concrete. Without your help we couldn’t have this house and my old house had fallen. My mom was so scared. My mom takes care of me and is a very brave woman, she works so hard for me. I know that my dad loves me, but he gets very drunk and hardly works so he hardly helps me with what I need. But I have my mom and God and you. I like to learn from God and I waited a long time to come to the children’s center and now I am so happy! Thank you my sponsor, very much for everything, Because of you, I am very happy.
On my school vacation this year, I went to my grandpa’s house to visit him. I was so happy to see him. I also want to tell you that I am so happy because with help from Living Hope, we are building my new house, it`s almost done. The team came and helped me, and my mom and dad build our house. You brought the block and sand and concrete. Without your help we couldn’t have this house and my old house had fallen. My mom was so scared. My mom takes care of me and is a very brave woman, she works so hard for me. I know that my dad loves me, but he gets very drunk and hardly works so he hardly helps me with what I need. But I have my mom and God and you. I like to learn from God and I waited a long time to come to the children’s center and now I am so happy! Thank you my sponsor, very much for everything, Because of you, I am very happy.
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