Kenya: A Different Life | 肯尼亚:不一样的人生

Kathonzweni Children's Home in Kenya
肯尼亚 Kathonzweni 儿童之家
At Kathonzweni Children's Home, there are many lovely children. Below is a message from Angel Mbithe to her sponsor, sharing her determination for success:
"As people say, self-discipline is the key to success. I am very strict with myself. I live in harmony with others at the orphanage, school, and church. My academic performance at school is excellent, and I am aiming for the university level exams. I am grateful for your support, for fully covering my tuition fees, which allows me to focus on my studies, and as a result, I am doing very well.
I study hard at school and believe that a determined person can turn extreme poverty into heroism. Thank you for your sponsorship. Without you, I would not have been able to join Kathonzweni Children's Home.
When I grow up, I want to become a doctor. I promise that I will do my best in my studies and strictly follow all the rules. I will continue to work hard to achieve my dream."
We invite you to help more children like Angel have a different future!
"As people say, self-discipline is the key to success. I am very strict with myself. I live in harmony with others at the orphanage, school, and church. My academic performance at school is excellent, and I am aiming for the university level exams. I am grateful for your support, for fully covering my tuition fees, which allows me to focus on my studies, and as a result, I am doing very well.
I study hard at school and believe that a determined person can turn extreme poverty into heroism. Thank you for your sponsorship. Without you, I would not have been able to join Kathonzweni Children's Home.
When I grow up, I want to become a doctor. I promise that I will do my best in my studies and strictly follow all the rules. I will continue to work hard to achieve my dream."
We invite you to help more children like Angel have a different future!
在Kathonzweni儿童之家有很多可爱的孩子们,下面是Angel Mbithe在给捐助人的信中,讲述她对成功的决心:
我在学校努力学习,相信有决心的人可以将赤贫变为英雄。感谢您的资助。如果没有您,我就不可能参加 Kathonzweni 儿童之家。
我在学校努力学习,相信有决心的人可以将赤贫变为英雄。感谢您的资助。如果没有您,我就不可能参加 Kathonzweni 儿童之家。

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