Lives Transformed by Hope | 美好的見證

文 Article by: Asian Ministry Team 亞洲同工
1. Traveled to a distant town to distribute scholarships to 69 local orphans. When a middle school principal saw that each sponsored student had received the scholarship, he said with emotion, "There are other charities that came to show off and said that they would continue providing monthly support, but we never received those funds. You are different. You really help these students every month.  You even made up those funds delayed because of the pandemic!”
2. Visited families. The grandmother of a sponsored child burst into tears when she saw us visiting their home. Feeling touched, she shared, "Our family is poor, and no one has visited us for a long time!" Our coworkers immediately preached the gospel to her, telling her that God sent us here and provided donations for her grandson and family. She prayed right away and decided to follow Jesus! Praise the Lord!
3. Joined combined efforts with the local organization to carry out the project of helping orphans and children in need and making preparations for summer and winter camps. The director of the local organization knew that we were Christians, and she didn’t understand why we should help these children whom we had never met. Still, she could not hold in tears when she saw that we distributed the huge sum of money our brothers and sisters donated to each child. She knows that she can trust completely to take care of the children! Glory to the name of the Lord!
4. Went to a university and a vocational college to visit two Living Hope-sponsored students admitted last year. Because of the scholarship we provided, they can continue their studies, and we can foresee their bright future. We are grateful and happy for them! Thank God!
We are grateful to be used by the Lord and to be a part of His Gospel Ministry.
"If anyone serves me, let him follow me; and where I am, there will be my servant; and if anyone serves me, my Father will honor him." -John 12:26
1. 前往一個偏遠縣城,為當地69位孤貧兒童發放助學金。一位中學校長看到學生們都收到了助學金,感慨地說:「也有別的慈善機構來,作秀一樣,說要每月資助,可是後來都沒有收到捐款。你們真是每月都幫助這些孩子們,還把疫情原因耽誤的款項都補上,真是不一樣啊!」
2. 探訪家庭。一位受助孩子的奶奶看到我們探訪他們家,淚水奪眶而出,感動地說:「我們家窮,很久都沒有人來過我們家了!」去探訪同工馬上傳福音給她,告訴她是神派遣我們來看望他們家,並將弟兄姊妹們愛心奉獻的捐款拿給她,她當場就做了決志禱告!感謝贊美主!
3. 與地方機構聯合開展救助孤貧兒童的項目,預備要開展夏令營和冬令營。機構負責人知道我們是基督徒,她不明白我們為什麼要幫助這些從不認識的孩子們,但是看到我們把弟兄姊妹捐助款發給一個個孤貧的孩子時,淚水在她眼眶里打轉,她知道可以放心把孩子交給我們!榮耀歸主名!
4. 去往一所大學和一所職業學院探望去年考入學校的兩位孤貧學生,他們因為我們的資助可以繼續學業,可以預見他們光明的未來。為他們欣慰,為他們高興!感謝主!
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