Letters from Our Ukrainian Children June 2023 |烏克蘭孩子的信 2023年6月

Maria-Diana Kozak

My name is Maria-Diana Kozak. I go to the 9th grade. I’m not one of the best students, but I try to master the curriculum. I don't miss school without reasons. My school marks went down because of the war. Since February, I have been studying online. My worries, stresses and fears for me and my family don't leave me.
Now I go to school, but the air alarm signal doesn't give me the opportunity for normal studying. We spent much time in the shelter where it is cold. So, sometimes I catch a cold.
We haven't had any combat operations in my town, but near it there were some missile strikes. From November we have power outage schedules.  During the power outages, it is cold in my apartment. The residents of my town help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In summer I wove the camouflage net. At school we organized the charity fair, and all the funds we sent for the needs of our defenders. I’m a religious person and sometimes visit church. Despite all the troubles that the terrorist-country has brought us, I believe in the inevitable victory of my country.
我的名字叫Maria-Diana Kozak。 現在上九年級。 我雖然不是成績最好的學生,但是我都會盡最大的努力去掌握學到的課業知識。 沒有特殊情況話,我是不會缺課的。 我的成績由於戰爭下降了。 自從二月以來,我的課業都在網上進行的。 我為我的家人和自己擔心、焦慮,恐懼一直揮之不去。
在我們的城市雖然沒有發生戰鬥,但是常會有導彈襲擊到附近的城鎮。自從11月份開始我們就開始實施限時供電。在那段時間我們家裡很冷。我們家鄉的人也投身於為烏克蘭武裝的士兵提供幫助。 在夏天的時候,我也幫忙編制迷彩網,以這樣的形式保家衛國。在學校我們組織了慈善活動,所有募捐的款項都捐給了我們的部隊。我是一個有信仰的人,周日有時去教會。 雖然現在我們的國家面臨這場戰爭帶給我們的許多困難,但我依然相信我們會打贏這場保衛戰爭。

Pavlo Kozak

My name is Pavlo, I’m 7 years old and I’m a student in the 2nd grade. I like studying at school and I’m good at every subject.

I’m a little, but I know and understand what the war is. This is when the missiles are flying, the buildings are destroyed, and the people are killed. I know that lots of children died. And also, when the lights are turned off, it becomes dark and cold.  

When we hear the air alarm signal, my mom and I go to the shelter. I can't play with my friends. If I have lessons at that time, I also hide in the shelter.

I wish for peace at last, and everybody will be healthy.

Volodymyr Kozak

My name is Volodymyr Kozak. I am a student of the 6th grade. I'm a diligent student and have good academic success. I’m good at Math, IT and Ukrainian language. I go to school every day and try not to miss classes. When the war began, I was worried. My dad died in the war eight years ago. I remember it and I don't want children to become orphans.

During the air alarm signal, I always hide in the shelter. I have my anxious backpack with me. Every day in my town, we have power outages. It doesn't scare me; it just makes me feel cold. But I don't panic. I just worry about my family. I don't want children to be killed, or that moms will cry. I believe that the war will end soon with the victory of my country and Ukraine will be rebuilt again.
我名叫Volodymyr Kozak,是六年級學生。我勤奮好學,成績很好。我擅長數學、信息技術和語文。我每天都去上學,盡量不缺課。戰爭開始時,我很擔心。我爸爸八年前在戰爭中犧牲了。我一直心有餘悸,我不希望別的孩子也變成孤兒。

Roman Doronin

There are many people on earth who are sick, including me. We have air raids in a day, so with all the children at school we have to hide in a shelter. It is very humid and cold there, because of this I often get sick and cough. My sister Vika, who goes to school, also often gets sick. I study in the 5th grade. Our school has very important and friendly teachers. Every day we have interesting and educational lessons. Thanks to our soldiers, I can study in my home school, because now not all children have that, and it is very sad. A great happiness for our generation is to live in a peaceful environment. The city of Lviv is now more or less quiet, there are air raids or alerts of bombs in the school area. But thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, everything is fine, and we are holding on!

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