2024 Trips: Walking with Jesus, “DO” a lot & “KNOW” a lot | 2024年短宣:与主同行"做"得多,"知"得多

Living Hope’s Mission Trips: Embracing the Great Commission
In the first half of 2024, Living Hope continued to promote both same-culture and cross-cultural missions. For different age groups within the church and varying levels of experience and understanding of missions, we have launched a diverse range of mission trips to enable more brothers and sisters to participate in the Great Commission.
2024 Trips: Walking with Jesus, “do” a lot & “know” a lot
By May 2024, Living Hope has successfully conducted 6 mission trips: 2 Experience Mission trips, 1 Vision Trip, 1 Retire and Refire trip, 2 Serve with Your Gifts trips.
  • Vision Trips: We have journeyed with church leaders to explore new mission fields, learn about needs, and seek God’s direction for future mission work. Our purpose is to obey God’s will in expanding His kingdom in unreached areas.
  • Experience Mission: These trips bring lay Christians, especially youth, into vibrant cross-cultural mission experiences. Participants broaden their understanding of God’s kingdom and experience significant spiritual growth through firsthand mission work.
  • Retire and Refire: This unique ministry invites retired pastors and church leaders to use their accumulated experience and wisdom to help resource-limited churches expand their mission outreach, fully utilize the God-given gifts, bless others, and glorify God.
  • Serve with Your Gifts: Focused on meeting immediate community needs, these trips allow church groups to deeply connect with and serve various local communities, showcasing the love of Christ in action.
As we reflect on these trips, we are reminded of the powerful role each STM team member plays in God’s global mission. Your involvement and support make these transformative journeys possible. Together, we are not just witnessing, but also participating in the expansion of God’s kingdom.
2024 年上半年,新希望全球事工继续推动同文化及跨文化宣教。对教会中不同年龄,对宣教不同的经验(体验)及认识,我们推出了不同类型的宣教之旅,让更多的弟兄姐妹能参与大使命的宣教。
截至2024年5月,Living Hope已成功组织了6次宣教之旅:2次体验宣教,1次异象之旅,1次退而不休,2次专项宣教。
  1. 异象之旅:我们与教会领袖一同探访新的宣教工场,了解需求,并寻求神对未来宣教事工的引领。这些行程的目的是遵循神的旨意,在未得之民的地方扩展祂的国度。
  2. 体验宣教:这些短宣将平信徒,特别是青少年,带入充满活力的跨文化宣教体验。通过亲身参与宣教事工,拓宽对神国度的理解,经历重要的灵命成长。 
  3. 退而不休:这项独特的事工邀请退休牧师和教会领袖凭借积累下来的经验和智慧,帮助资源有限的教会拓展宣教,充分运用神给予的恩赐,荣神益人。 
  4. 专项宣教:这些宣教着重于满足各地区的实际需求,让教会团队深入了解和服事当地民众,通过行动彰显基督的爱。 
当我们回顾这些短宣时,我们认识到每个短宣队员在神的国度使命中所承担的重要角色。 您的参与和支持让当地的转变成为可能。 我们不仅见证这些转变,更是参与了神国度的扩展。
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