Ukraine Ministry: Updates from Orest's Family | 乌克兰事工:Orest及家人的近况

Dear friend,

On February 14, we sent out a special request for a family experiencing exceptional hardship. Lyuba, a single mother, shoulders the responsibility of caring for her three children, two of whom are still minors. Her eldest son, Orest, battles congenital hemophilia alongside other serious health complications. Our partners in Ukraine reached out to us about the situation of this precious family, and you responded with loving generosity and prayers! Two of our coworkers, Natalia and Michael, passed the donation to Orest’s family. Orest’s mom, Lyuba, hand-wrote a letter in March to thank all of the supporters, which you will read below-- 
"I don't even know what to write. Sometimes emotions are so overwhelming that it is difficult to find the necessary words. And sometimes emotions can convey more than words. It's a pity that we are separated by thousands of kilometers. You have become closer to us than my family. When Mrs. Natalia tells me that you are interested in our life, I understand that even my mother does not do it that way.

Natalia and Michael came to Orest's birthday, and my mother didn't even call that day. I am sincerely grateful for the funds with which you help. Thanks to them, I was able to pay utilities and buy medicine for my children.

Orest is better now because only his leg hurts. Medicines also helped Igor a little, but Anastasia got sick and had a high temperature for the third day. So I'm sorry, I couldn't write to you right away.

We hope that next time when you come to Lviv, you will be able to visit us.

Once again, I want to sincerely thank you from all our family. May God protect you and give you good health.

Thank you!"
On May 15, Natalia and Michael visited the family and celebrated Orest's little sister, Anastasia's 7th birthday. They gave us the following report on Orest as well–

"The situation with Orest has improved a little, thank God 🙏

Previously, he could not move and a nurse came to his home to give intravenous injections. But now he can move into a stroller. Mom carefully carries him up the stairs and takes him to the clinic for injections several times a week."

Thank you so much for your support, and please continue to keep Orest and his family in your prayers.
Children's Sponsorship: Heart of Living Hope
Our devoted partners in Ukraine regularly visit the children and their families, and we will communicate any updates of Orest. The Children Sponsorship Program is at the heart of our mission to reach out to vulnerable children around the world, offering them not just the essentials of care but also the spiritual guidance that shapes their futures. With the partnership of local churches and the unyielding support of our sponsors, this program is making a profound difference in the lives of children across various regions. Through prayer and financial support, God has turned hope into action. These contributions have fostered environments where children learn about Jesus, develop a personal relationship with Him, and discover their purpose in life.

在2月14日,我們為烏克蘭一個特殊困難家庭向我們的捐助者發出了一封特別請求援助的信。 Lyuba是一位單身母親,肩負著獨自照顧三個孩子的責任,其中兩個孩子還未成年。 她的長子Orest患有先天性血友病以及其他嚴重的併發症。 我們在烏克蘭的同工告知我們這個家庭的情況,你們以愛心、慷慨和祈禱回應了他們! 我們的兩位同工,Natalia 和她的先生 Michael  將捐款轉交給了他們家。 Lyuba在三月的時候親筆寫了一封信,感謝所有支援他們的捐助者。以下是她的信:
「我幾乎不知道該寫什麼。有時候,情感太強烈,很難找到合適的詞語。而有時候,情感比言語更能傳達我的心意。可惜我們相隔數千公里。 當 Natalia 女士告訴我,你們很關心我們家的狀況,我感到你們比我自己的親人還親,因為我母親也沒有這樣幫助我。

Natalia 和 Michael 來參加 Orest 的生日,而那天我自己的媽媽都沒有打來一個祝賀的電話。 我衷心感謝您捐錢給我們。 我現在能夠拿它來支付水電費,並為孩子們購買藥物。

Orest 現在好多了,只是腿疼,(別的都還好)。 藥物對Orest的弟弟Igor 也有一定的幫助,但妹妹Anastasia 現在還在生病,今天是高燒第三天。 所以很抱歉,我無法立即給您寫信。


再次代表全家向你們表示衷心的感謝。 願上帝保護你們並賜你們健康!」
5 月 15 日,Natalia 和 Michael 探望了Orest的家人,並為Anastasia 慶祝了 7 歲生日。 他們還向我們提供了有關Orest 的以下報告——

此前,他根本無法動彈,護士會來到他家中,為他進行靜脈注射。 現在他可以自己坐進輪椅了。 但他還是需要媽媽小心翼翼地把他抱上樓,每週幾次帶他去診所打針。」

非常感謝您的支持,請繼續為Orest 和他的家人祈禱。
我們在烏克蘭的同工們會定期探望Orest 及其家人,並及時更新Orest 的近況。 兒童捐助項目是我們幫助世界各地弱勢兒童的核心使命,不僅為他們提供必需的生活護理,還為他們提供靈命輔導,以塑造他們的未來。 在當地教會的合作以及捐助者們的定期支持下,該專案正在為不同地區兒童的生活帶去深遠的影響, 因著禱告和經濟上的支持,使希望變成了行動。 你們無私的奉獻營造了一個環境,讓孩子們瞭解耶穌,感受祂的愛;使孩子們與神建立了個人的關係,並樹立他們的人生目標。
Read More Articles on Ukraine Ministry


Garry Stadnyk - July 17th, 2024 at 6:25pm

May God Bless you all all all times..and in all that you need. Di Boca Strovia!

- August 6th, 2024 at 1:48pm

Hi Garry, we shared your blessings with the family, here is Ms. Novostasvska's reply, "I thank you very much and I sincerely pray for your health and the health of our foreign supporters".

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