Letters from Our Asian Children June 2023 |亞洲孩子的信 2023年6月


Because my mother suffers from epilepsy and often has unpredictable episodes of seizures, it causes immense pain for my grandma and grandpa to see my mom undergo frequent seizures. They themselves are not in good health. An air of gloom hung over our home.  One grandmother said, "Your family cannot continue like this. Come and believe in the Lord with us!"  That’s how we all came to faith in the Lord and got to know many aunties, uncles, grandmas, and grandpas in the church. They took us to fellowship, taught us to sing hymns of praise, and my sister even helped them write down lyrics of hymns. They also bought new clothes and shoes for me and my sister, and I love them! 

Before we believed in God, my mom's illness was very severe. My grandparents told me my mother got this illness when she was only 13. The doctor said it is difficult to treat and can flare up anytime. But since my mother believed in the Lord, her condition has greatly improved. I heard that people with epilepsy should not be exposed to stressful situations. Being in a good mood by focusing on less anger and more happiness reduces seizure frequency. Sometimes, Grandma would lead us in Bible reading, singing hymns, and praying. 

May God bless all the grandparents, uncles, and aunts in the church. I sincerely thank you for helping me go to school! I wish you, who are from afar, all the best in the new year!


I was born into a happy family, but my father died in a car accident a few years ago, and my mother remarried and left me to my elderly grandparents. My family also fell into poverty. I used to think it was easy to grow up, but after that accident, I realized it took the whole village to bring me up. This accident also made me sensible, and I grew up suddenly.

One day at home, my grandma asked me to help trim her nails. I gazed at my grandmother's hands, staring at the rough, calloused hands that had done all the hard household chores. The thick calluses covered the tips of her fingers, and the skin around her nails was also tough. In these hands, I saw my grandmother tirelessly working day after day, year after year, waking up early and working late to raise and care for me. In that instant, my eyes welled up with tears. Afraid of being noticed by my attentive grandmother, I let the tears linger in my eyes. I carefully finished trimming her nails and hugged her tightly. Since then, whenever I have time, I help my grandma with whatever housework I can do. I become even more diligent in my studies.    

Thank you for continuously supporting me from afar, relieving my family's financial burden and allowing me to focus on my studies!


I live in a special family. My father passed away when I was very young, and after that, we lost contact with my mother. My aunt and uncle took me in and brought me to their home. They had a daughter who sadly passed away due to illness. The three of us became a special family, relying on each other for support. Now, my aunt and uncle are both in their 70s. Our life may be humble, but it is filled with warmth. Home is where they work tirelessly inside and outside the house, urging me to study hard. Home is the steaming meals and the caring words exchanged. Our current house may be small, but it is filled with love. As I continue to grow, I have gradually understood how difficult their lives have been. My aunt's health is not good, and she cannot engage in physical labor. She relies on medication daily. We don't have much land, and our primary source of income is the hard-earned money my uncle earns by sweeping the streets every day. They live frugally to support my education and provide for my aunt's medical needs. Life is difficult, but as a family, we find warmth in being together. My aunt often says I am a child with a difficult life, but I am also fortunate. I am fortunate to have my aunt and uncle, and fortunate to have kind-hearted people like you who extend a helping hand to alleviate our financial burden.
Even though I may lack the love of a father and a mother, the love given to me by my aunt, uncle, and people like you has taught me gratitude, brought me happiness and helped me grow in confidence. In the future, I will continue to strive for academic excellence, live with passion, and pass on this love to others.











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