Go and See How GOD Can Use You and Me | 去,看你和我被神如何使用

Time flies, and before we know it, half of 2024 has already passed. In the first half of the year, we sent out six short-term mission teams. Five of them went to Honduras, and one participated in the Pan-American Mission Conference in Argentina in early April. At this Conference, we learned about the urgent needs of Chinese churches and Gospel ministries in several South American countries, which greatly require assistance from North American churches. In Central and South America, there are over 2 million Chinese immigrants, yet Christians make up only 0.5% of this population. Most Chinese churches and fellowships consist of only a dozen or twenty members. Many new immigrants from China have never heard of the gospel. We have heard the call and invitation from Chinese churches in these South American countries. This October, we are preparing to send a vision trip short-term mission team to Paraguay, Chile, and Bolivia. We will join local co-workers to understand and discuss how to collaborate with local churches to expand the ministry of the Gospel. This is in preparation to send more brothers and sisters next year to support churches in South America that are in need.
In recent years, through our mission work in Honduras, we have sponsored many impoverished children, ensuring they have food to eat and helping them come to know Jesus. In the Prison Ministry, many short-term mission team members, because of their love for God, excitedly shared their testimonies, touched many inmates who came forward to accept the Gospel and made decisions to follow Christ. We also provided essential daily supplies to them. In the deep mountains where the indigenous live, we established a Living Hope Children's Center with the help from local missionaries. We supported the local children and shared the gospel with them and their families. Within just a few months, the children even formed their first music worship team! We are incredibly excited to see two indigenous young men stepped out of the mountains to receive theological training at a Bible School. In the near future, there will be Tolupan Indian preachers of their own. Furthermore, we constructed toilets, chicken coops, and water tanks for the local villagers, addressing their practical needs alongside spreading the Gospel.

In Kenya, we have begun sponsoring a second Children’s Home, which will help 100 orphans.  Our Ukraine ministry continues to sponsor more children whose fathers sacrificed their lives defending the country. We encourage brothers and sisters to visit these children and their families, host summer Bible Camps and other ministries.

In East Asia, we have been sponsoring many preachers. Despite facing many challenges and persecutions, they persistently lead churches in various places, encouraging the congregations to look up to God and run the heavenly race. The number of orphaned and impoverished children we sponsor is increasing, and it is our hope that more children will be saved and believe in God. We are very grateful to see many children accept Jesus because of the love shown by their sponsors, whom they have never met. Their grandparents and relatives also put their trust in the Lord because they experienced God’s grace through the financial help of loving strangers. Some are even willing to open their homes to worship or form fellowships. Next year, we will have the opportunity to organize short-term mission teams of sponsors to visit them, comfort them, and tell them in person, "God loves you!"

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

- Matthew 9:37-38 - 


        这几年我们在洪都拉斯助养了许多贫穷的孩子,让他们能吃上饭,并且能认识耶稣。在监狱福音事工中,许多短宣队员因着对神的爱激动地分享他们自己的见证,感动了许多狱友,他们走到台前决志信主接受福音。我们还送去了犯人们所需的日用品。在印第安人居住的深山里,我们在当地宣教士的帮助下建立了希望儿童中心,助养孩子,向孩子们和他们的家人传福音。短短的几个月里,孩子们竟然组成了第一个音乐敬拜队。我们非常兴奋地看到有两位印第安青年人走出深山,到圣经学校接受神学训练。不久的将来他们就会拥有自己的印地安传道人! 我们还为当地的村民修建厕所,鸡舍和蓄水池, 以爱心行动传扬福音。



于是对门徒说:“要收的庄稼多,做工的人少。 38 所以,你们当求庄稼的主打发工人出去收他的庄稼。”
- 马太福音9:37-38 -

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