Heard of Thee by Ear, Now Mine Eyes Seeth Thee

Article by Our Living Hope Co-worker
Dear Pastors and Family in the Lord,
Thank God for the amazing work that keeps us connected to each other in Christ. It is your dedication that makes them feel the warmth of the world and the love of God.
In helping these children, we develop close relationships with them. We prayed to the Holy Spirit to lead, and when the time was right, we began to preach the gospel from family to family. This has saved many children and their families by grace. Jackson and his brother are two of them. After leading them to believe in God, we continued to follow up. One by one, the children's grandparents and neighbors all believe in God! The second time we visited, Jackson's uncle was at home. On a sweltering day of over 30 degrees Celsius (over 86 degrees Farenheit), he closed the doors and windows and was guarding at the entrance because he was afraid that others would know that Christians came to his house. After the visit, he told us that we could no longer come. The third time, we went to give the donations. Jackson's grandma reluctantly accepted our visit because of fear. The girlfriend of Jackson's Uncle, Xiaocui, was there. She is a Christian who stopped attending the meetings. She had many questions about the faith. We answered her questions, and she was released from her doubts. While singing a hymn, Xiaocui was filled with the Holy Spirit. Full of tears, she confessed her sins and repented.

At the wedding ceremony, Jackson, who had never seen his mother, said to Xiaocui, "I don't want to call you aunty. Can I call you mom?" 

Every time we serve is a spiritual battle; every time we preach the gospel, we rely on the power of prayer, and we witness God's marvelous deeds with our own eyes. Since then, we have been meeting at Xiaocui's house. She asked us to pray for Jackson's uncle. Xiaocui's mother said that only if he believed in Jesus would she agree to their marriage. Hallelujah! Praise God! Their whole family became Christians! At the wedding ceremony, Jackson, who had never seen his mother, said to Xiaocui, "I don't want to call you aunty. Can I call you mom?" This brought tears to all the guests. I was really impressed! A broken family received the love of Christ. In their words, “We already have no money; we cannot have no love!"

Because of our help, Jackson got the hope of eternal life, and even his relatives, neighbors, and friends around him believed in the Lord and were blessed! Thank God! Let us experience another beautiful testimony!

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