Be a coworker IN gOD'S rEDEMPTIVE Plan
We uphold the teachings of the Bible, setting our eyes on Jesus, who died on the cross and was resurrected to save mankind. In the same way, we share the Good News with inmates so that they may be saved into God's family. Join us to be a part of God's redemptive plan.
Be a coworker IN gOD'S rEDEMPTIVE Plan
We uphold the teachings of the Bible, setting our eyes on Jesus, who died on the cross and was resurrected to save mankind. In the same way, we share the Good News with inmates so that they may be saved into God's family. Join us to be a part of God's redemptive plan.

Deliver Goods
Share the Gospel
Disciple Believers
Every prisoner is provided with a sandwich, a soft drink, and a hygiene kit containing one tube of toothpaste, one bar of bath soap, and one roll of toilet paper. Access to these essential items is often limited in Honduran prisons.
The gospel is the good news for all men, no matter what a person has gone through. We share the gospel and testimonies with the inmates so that they know despite their past or their current circumstances, they can be set free in Jesus Christ.
We partner with local gospel pastors to do weekly disciple training with new believers

Deliver Goods
Share the Gospel
Disciple Believers
Every prisoner is provided with a sandwich, a soft drink, and a hygiene kit containing one tube of toothpaste, one bar of bath soap, and one roll of toilet paper. Access to these essential items is often limited in Honduran prisons.
The gospel is the good news for all men, no matter what a person has gone through. We share the gospel and testimonies with the inmates so that they know despite their past or their current circumstances, they can be set free in Jesus Christ.
We partner with local gospel pastors to do weekly disciple training with new believers.
Living Hope Supported Pastor and Ministry Partner in Honduras
Pastor Luis has been serving inmates in different prisons across the Langue region for 13 years. In the past few years, he has also committed himself to discipleship among believers. The inmates, after coming to Jesus, can join small groups where they may continue growing their faith.
Pastor Luis needs to receive permission from authorities ahead of time to enter a prison for inmate discipleship. Sometimes, unexpected prison uprisings complicate this process. Each time Pastor Luis visits a prison, he buys snacks and brings discipleship study materials. Sometimes there is a bulk of goods to take over to the prison.
Living Hope Supported Pastor and Ministry Partner in Honduras
Pastor Luis has been serving inmates in different prisons across the Langue region for 13 years. In the past few years, he has also committed himself to discipleship among believers. The inmates, after coming to Jesus, can join small groups where they may continue growing their faith.
Pastor Luis needs to receive permission from authorities ahead of time to enter a prison for inmate discipleship. Sometimes, unexpected prison uprisings complicate this process. Each time Pastor Luis visits a prison, he buys snacks and brings discipleship study materials. Sometimes there is a bulk of goods to take over to the prison.
Pastor Luis needs to receive permission from authorities ahead of time to enter a prison for inmate discipleship. Sometimes, unexpected prison uprisings complicate this process. Each time Pastor Luis visits a prison, he buys snacks and brings discipleship study materials. Sometimes there is a bulk of goods to take over to the prison.
Pastor Luis leads a weekly discipleship group across three prisons, with each prison requiring about $250 to sustain this mission. Would you consider being a partner in his evangelism work?
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